Hello and welcome to our final year 11R summer term. This term is going to be fast and furious as we have lots to get through. 

As you will probably already know lots of our students have sat their initial entry level exams in maths and English. Some of the students will be continuing to sit the next entry level up in readiness for their move to college; this will be before the end of this half term.

Some students are still waiting to find out if their application for college places have been confirmed. We will be working with colleges to arrange bespoke transition programmes for each student. Once we have this confirmed information, I will send you an Edulink form to ask for consent to take your young person to their chosen college with details of travel arrangements, times and dates. For the time being, please don't worry as it is in hand and there will be plenty of opportunities for your young person to attend college before the end of the academic year.

Also, this term, we will be finalising and submitting our portfolios for our Asdan Personal Social Development qualification as well as submitting our work for some AQA unit awards for Science and PE.

PE will now take place on a Wednesday afternoon at school. This term we will be concentrating on TAG rugby skills so please send your child in sports kit. 

On Wednesday morning we will be accessing the community by working on the walled garden project in conjunction with The Brothers of Charity, in Worden Park, Leyland. This will complete our ASDAN PSD community action module. Please ensure that you send your child with the right equipment for the weather. It will be useful for your young person to have sun cream and hat as we will be spending a lot of time outside. If it is raining, please provide a waterproof.  As we are gardening, students will be required to wear clothing that they do not mind getting dirty; if possible please provide some kind of footwear e.g. boots or wellies.  School will provide gardening gloves for student use. With the skills that we have learned, we will then be maintaining our own garden back in school as well as building a bug hotel. These projects will complete our ASDAN Environmental Awareness module.

We will continue to access the community but only occasionally, on a Friday morning; this is due to our already busy schedule. 

Consent forms have already been completed by most parents for the PE and for the Wednesday morning on Friday morning activities. If you have not already please can you complete the consent forms on Edulink.

Other curriculum information - In science we will be looking at different kinds of forces and within English and Careers we will be looking at personal information, form filling, letter writing with particular emphasis on applying for educational courses and employment. We will also role play interview techniques! Within Maths, we will continue to build on the skills learnt to complete the entry level qualifications and also look more at time and money.

For independence skills we have booked the food tech room every Monday morning. Here we will learn how to make simple healthy and nutritional meals independently. The idea is that we will eat what we make for lunch although school meals will still be provided. Please still send a packed lunch in case your child does not like the food made. If at all possible, a voluntary contribution towards purchasing the ingredients of £1 a week would be fantastic.

Another date for the diary is the prom on Thursday 30th June. We will be sending out more information about this nearer the time. The dress code for this special event is a usually formal wear, and is attended by all year 11 students, staff and governors from the school. If your child is unhappy wearing this kind of clothing, please let us know.

Reports will be published to parents on 17th June with parents evening being the following Tuesday 21st June.

Our end of year school trip is organised for Monday 20th June. More details to follow.

As always, should you have any questions, please contact me directly at powella@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk.


Mrs Powell and 11R class team .