11A Special Forces and Climbing Confidence!
11A have had a fabulous start to the week at Bendrigg.
When we arrived yesterday, the pupils all independently made their beds, unpacked and settled into their rooms. We then enjoyed jacket potato for lunch to fuel us up before an afternoon of archery and bike riding. A special shout out to…

11R Graduate!!!
11R have had a very busy, emotional last two weeks of school! We've been to lazer tag, had a go at building our own volcanoes, played ball games with our friends and took part in our last session of Chorley in Bloom!
Today we had our graduation where we celebrated all of our amazing learners…

11R Summer 2 Week 4
Last week was another busy week for 11R!
On Monday we had Miss Anderton for maths in the morning, where we started to plan our dream bedrooms, looking at sizes of rooms and how we would begin to cost everything up. In the afternoon we had science, where we continued to look at energy by making…
Prom in 11R! 2024
Yesterday our year 11s had their prom! It's been a very busy past few weeks getting everything finalised and ready and we're all so glad that the day ran smoothly and everyone had a great time.
We welcomed our learners to school in the afternoon where they were all dressed up and ready for the…
11R Summer 2 Week 3!
Summer 2 in 11R has been another busy week! We started off the week with Miss Anderton and on Monday we had a maths lesson on time in the morning and the afternoon we had a lesson on energy. We made our own paper plane launchers to test out wind power and once we made them we took them out onto…

Summer 2 Week 1 in 11R - Our Last Half-Term
On Monday we were right back into lessons, starting off the day with a functional maths lesson on money. We used coins and notes and practiced identifying coins and how much each coin was worth. We looked at how many pennies were in a pound and how to add money up.
In the afternoon we had our…
Science, Swimming and Selfies, Oh My!
11R have had a busy last week leading up to our half-term break!
On Monday we had our usual maths lesson and in the afternoon we had a science lesson. We were learning abouts forces with Miss Anderton and today we were talking about wind power. We built our own windmills and coloured them in,…

It's Bloomin' Marvellous in 11R!
This week we all had fun at Chorley in Bloom! We went to a different site than we usually do, and went to the community garden next to Chorley B&Q. We learnt that this is used by members of the community if they can't always afford vegetables and that a lot of people who may not have their own…

The Last Term in 11R!
11R have had a very busy start to their last term at Astley Park!
Last week we carried on with our ASDAN unit on Environmental Awareness, where we have been looking after the beds at the front of school and collecting the recycling from the other classes and throwing in our large bins ready for…

KS4 Visit Chorley Hospital
This week KS4 started their work experience at Chorley Hospital. Year 11 and year 10 students headed off to the Life Centre where we met Karen, who would be showing us round and leading the sessions while we are there. We started off by going through what each week would look like before Karen…

Careers Drama Workshop
Today KS4 and KS3 had a very special visitor; Kerry from Lowther Theatre came in to run a short workshop with a few of the KS4 and KS3 classes. We talked about all of the different jobs that are involved in the theatre, from actors and dancers to the lighting and sound production to the people who…
A Busy Two Weeks in 11R!
11R have had a busy couple of weeks this term!
In science we have been learning about plants and their parts and we got the chance to dissect some lilies and take them apart to look at all the parts up close and in person. We’ve also been looking at seed dispersal and all the different ways…