This half term Maple Class have been very busy at school.
For ‘My Cooking’ half of Maple Class went to the food technology room, we were practicing buttering and slicing toast before we got to eat it! In Maple Class the rest of us were making juice, we were practicing our pouring skills and making sure we were able to stop pouring when needed.
In P.E, some of us were practicing our steering and pedalling skills on bikes, scooters and shuffleboards. The rest of us were practicing different skills such as relay races and keeping a balloon up in the air.
Within ‘My community’ we have all been looking at a social story ready for our trip to Asda next half term. We have been practicing in class; going to our shop, collecting our items and going to the till to pay. This was also promoting our self help and independence skills.
We have also been very lucky and been able to taste different food within our ‘World about me’ topic. We were deciding whether different food was healthy and unhealthy and discussing what that means.
In the sensory room, we have been developing a range of skills such as turn taking and communication via intensive interaction. We have enjoyed the ball pit, the interactive white board, the bubble tube and the different coloured lights. We have also enjoyed plenty of singing.
We have had a variety of continuous provision out, this has included numicon in our tough trays for ‘my thinking and problem solving’. An example of one of our activities were sorting the correct number of popcorn to the right numicon.
As always we have also had lots of fun on the different equipment of the playground!
Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all back next half term!