31 Jan

A week of exploring In Maple class.

This week maple have enjoyed exploring healthy food , the community and the sensory room.

Early on in the week we visited Asda to buy healthy food for our snack and picnic .We have also spent some time in the community exploring Devonshire and Astley park.

We have all enjoyed our structured…

19 Dec

A festive week in Maple class

Well what a festive and fantastic week we have had in Maple class .

We have visited our local community to buy snacks for our breakfast with Santa.

we have decorated a Christmas jumper , explored our snow themed tray and made lots of lovely music with jingle bells .

On Thursday we had a…

13 Dec

Countdown to Christmas with Maple class.

Well what a fabulous week counting down to Christmas in Maple class.

We have had some lovely community visits to Asda for our party food and to Astley park for a wonderful winter walk .

We have made lots of wintery crafts this week , making snow globe decorations ,snowmen cards and lots of…

6 Dec

A wonderful winter week in Maple class

What a fantastic week we have had celebrating the arrival of winter.

Maple class have explored our local community ,visiting Asda for snack and walking to the park making sure we wrapped up warm in our winter coats .

In class we have been preparing for our Christmas video performance and…

22 Nov

A fantastic week learning and exploring in Maple class.

What a great few weeks we’ve had in Maple class! Last week we learned all about our facial features and sharing with friends.

We enjoyed sharing playing a guitar , throwing a ball , and our favourite sharing a lovely cake.

We had a party with our friends too this week where we sang songs ,…

15 Nov

Remembrance week and celebrating children in need day with Maple class.

This week in Maple Class we have been enjoying lots of fun and celebrating significant events.

On Monday, for Remembrance Day we went outside to listen to the coronet being played at 11 o’clock. We took part in lots of Remembrance Day activities such as searching for poppies and creating…

8 Nov

A sparkling week in Maple class.

What a super sparkling week we have had in Maple Class!

We have had so much fun! At the beginning of the week we went swimming and visited Asda to purchase our snacks for the week.

We have celebrated Bonfire Night by enjoying firework sensology, making rockets with blocks, firework printing…

11 Oct

Lots of fun out and about with Maple class.

Well another busy, exciting week in Maple class .

We have had so much fun swimming at the beginning of the week , growing in confidence blowing bubbles in the water and even jumping in .

Maple have also really enjoyed our trips out in the community to Asda using our shopping list to shop for…

4 Oct

A wonderful week exploring in Maple .

What a busy week exploring we have had in Maple class.

The children have enjoyed cooking in food tech and making fantastic face biscuits in attention autism .

We have been focusing on counting to five during maths and singing , and had some lovely walks to Astley and Devonshire park.


27 Sep

A busy week in Maple class.

What a busy week this week has been in Maple class.

we have had some lovely walks to see the ducks and the gardens at Astley park while the weather was nice which everyone really enjoyed .

The children have also engaged in some wonderful attention autism sessions and water/sand play .


20 Sep

A wonderful week celebrating in maple class.

We have had another fantastic week in Maple class. The children are embracing their new structure and routine. 

We have made the most of the lovely weather and enjoyed lots of outside play. The children have really enjoyed exploring during water play. We even took a walk to Asda to buy our…

13 Sep

A great start in Maple

What a wonderful first two weeks we have had in Maple class , Meeting our new friends and exploring our classroom .

We have really enjoyed our community visits to the shops and parks and also learned all about ourselves in ‘what’s in the bucket ?’.

Lots of sensory relax time and structured…