We have had another fabulous week in Chestnut Class exploring farm and jungle animals. 


At the start of the week we looked at the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs‘, this enabled our learners to explore the different materials the Pigs use to make their houses (straw, sticks and bricks). This linked to the class then looking at farm animals, we created pig paintings, made ‘porridge mud’ and we sang ‘Oh McDonald’ in Attention Autism during our Animal Slide. 


On Thursday and Friday we began exploring animals in the jungle, the learners played in our ‘jungle’ tuff tray looking at different leaves and finding the different jungle animals in the tray and matching the animals to the pictures. On Friday we made Giraffe silhouette pictures, learners were able to choose different colours to create their fabulous paintings. 


Well done Chestnut Class for an amazing week!