This week has been a challenge for all pupils in class.


We have really raised the stakes for our independence. Pupils took part in a functional ICT lesson on Monday, editing a letter which had several errors, following instructions. We then learned about what an envelope should be addressed as. We played a Kahoot! quiz to recall our understanding of the different features of an addressed envelope. 

Pupils were then set homework, which they were told they needed to remember as school would not be asking parents for them. Their homework was that if they were unsure of their personal address they needed to speak with a parent or carer to help them make a note of it for the next day. I am proud to say most pupils remembered to do this homework, taking responsibility of their own work. 

Today we wrote our envelopes, and put stamps on them. When they were addressed pupils independently walked to the post box (staff strategically hidden on route) to post their letters.


When pupils returned we had a chat about what went well and what we could improve on in future. Pupils maturely talked about their feelings and emotions during this big step forward in their learning.  

It has only been since the pupils left at the end of the day, did I notice a stamp left over. This means one of the envelopes has been posted stampless… Russian Roulette of letters who will be the one who doesn’t get theirs… We do have an inkling and parents will receive their letter via an email attachment.


11R we are very proud of each of you for rising to the challenges set this week! You are truly amazing!