Yesterday in 10R we had our second sharing our learning sessions with our parents and family members.

In the session we looked at making chocolate cornflake nests, following a recipe we had found online. In the morning we had been out to Tesco to buy all of the ingredients we would need, using our money skills to decide what to buy for the best price as well as using our independent travel skills on the bus and our community technology knowledge to independently use the self service machines.

Once our visitors had arrived, we worked in small teams to each make a small batch of the cakes. We used lots of the skills we have been learning this year to make the cakes, including our maths skills when weighing out our ingredients as well as our personal safety skills to safely use the microwave. 

After the cakes were finished, we also showed the visitors our stop motion video of the Easter story that we had been working in class, looking to improve our ICT skills and knowledge of the apps on our iPad.

We want to give a massive thank you to our visitors for coming in and joining us in our cooking session!

Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter.