28 Jun

9P Summer term 28/6/24

9P have enjoyed a busy, and enjoyable week. 

One of our favourite activities during the week was going outside in the sunshine to watch some of our older pupils taking part in a colour run and obstacle course, to raise money for a good cause. 
This was great fun and it was lovely to have such…

28 Mar

9A Week 6

On Monday morning we did some maths puzzles and games, we really enjoyed them. Then we did some reading. In the afternoon we painted our World War 2 model planes. Some of us found it really relaxing, some of us found it messy but we all enjoyed it. Then we did the blog and our friends did…

22 Mar

8P week 5, 22/3/24

It has been a lovely week in 8P and we have all been busy taking part in lots of different activities. 

To help us with our maths, we had a trip out to a local supermarket where we chose things from our  shopping list. We each took turns to pick items up from the shelves, but the best part was…

1 Mar

8P week 2 (1/3/24)

It has been a busy week for the pupils and staff in 8P. 

We have done lots of hard work and also had lots of fun. 

Unfortunately, the rain meant that we had to use the school transport to take part in our weekly shopping trip (instead of practising our travel training), but we still had a…

23 Feb

War Time Biscuits in 8A

This week in our food technology activity, 8A participated in making some war time biscuits.

These biscuits had the regular ingredients such as butter, sugar, flour and vanilla essence but there was an additional ingredient added……. Grated carrots.


We were all very unsure how these…

23 Feb

8P Spring2 week 1

Pupils and staff in 8P have returned back to school, refreshed and ready for lots of learning and fun.

This week, we have been taking part in lots of different activities, including maths where we have been beginning to learn about money and all the different types of coins, as well as our…

20 Feb

Welcome Back 9A

Welcome back to spring 2, hope you’ve all had a lovely break. We’ve got a very busy half term again and lots of things to look forward to. 9A welcomed a new pupil into class, they have all been very friendly and we look forward to getting to know him. 
On Monday morning as the learners came into…

2 Feb

8P Spring 1, week 4

It has been a very busy week for the staff and pupils in 8P. 

We have done lots of interesting lessons, including Maths, English, Phonics and Cooking. 

This morning, we were fortunate enough to go on a trip to Rascals indoor play centre, to make up for the Christmas trip which was cancelled…

26 Jan

No eggs for our Chocolate Cake in 8A

Ration baking in 8A


In our food technology lesson this week we had to use food that was rationed. We explained to 8A that in the 1st and 2nd World War, certain foods were unable to be purchased, so when making meals, some ingredients couldn’t be used because of being in short…

26 Jan

10A’s busy week!

This week has been mega busy in 10A. Jake was able to work with Chorley in Bloom and continue his Community Action Project. The whole class have been crazy busy working towards ASDAN qualifications in class and in the community, including sentence structure in English and measurement and  time in…

26 Jan

8P week 3 26/1/24

The pupils of 8P have done lots of learning and fun activities this week. 

We enjoyed a walk to Tesco, where we split into two groups to buy the ingredients for cooking and items for snack. We followed our shopping lists really well, and took turns carrying the basket, choosing the correct…

12 Jan

New year 2024 in 8A

1st school in for 2024 in 8A


It was so nice seeing the learners in 8A returning back to school in 2024.


It was lovely hearing all their enjoyable Christmas and New Year celebrations.


We have had a fun and relaxing week this week settling the learners back into school…