10R have had a very busy first week back after the Easter holidays!

On Monday we continued to look at inversion calculations in Maths and in the afternoon we began our new topic in Science, 'States of Matter', where we began to look at the difference between solids, liquids and gases.

On Tuesday we had our food tech lesson in the morning, where we made healthy smoothies with lots of fruit and we also learnt how to safely use a blender. In the afternoon we continued with SRE, where looked at how we see ourselves and others and how the media uses self-image to manipulate us into buying things.

On Wednesday we began another new topic, this time in English, where we started to look at traditional tales. We found out what they are and what sort of things are in them, like magic and adventure. We then did a cut and stick activity where we matched up the pictures of various characters to their descriptions. In PE we started orienteering; we talked about communication and teamwork, and we completed some mini challenges working in teams.

On Thursday we went shopping in ASDA for items for food tech, Earth Day and Eid. We used some of the skills we have been learning to navigate the shop and buy the most cost effective items. We then had a drink in the cafe. In the afternoon we began our sixth ASDAN module, Preparation for Work. We talked about the difference between a 'skill' and a 'quality' and started to have a think about what skills and qualities we have in class.

On Friday it was time for our Eid celebrations! In the morning we learnt about what Eid is and how Muslims around the world celebrate it in different ways. We looked at mosques and at all the different parts inside, and then we made posters with the information we had learnt about Eid. In the afternoon, continuing to learn about Eid, we made coconut squares, a traditional celebration food for the occasion.

Have a lovely, safe weekend everyone!

Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter.