This week, 8A has been looking at “Vision Boards”. 

The class firstly spoke about what they want to achieve this school year, either at school or at home. 


The class then looked at different areas of vision. We looked at what the learners are grateful for, self-care ideas, a phrase or mantra which helps them to feel good about themselves, positive things about themselves and finally, their dreams and goals. 


Some of these visions were being grateful for their families, exercising and eating healthier for their self-care ideas, I will always try my best and be happy for their feel good phrase, positive things included Astley Park’s values like being kind, honest and showing respect and their dreams and goals included improving with their school work and saving money!


The learner then jotted their ideas down so they won’t forget. 

Then they transferred their ideas on a A3 piece of white card. Using their neatest handwriting and colouring, they rewrote their visions down. It was lovely to see them working so well with each and with the staff.

They will be bring these vision boards home with them so they can look and remind themselves what they are working towards and what amazing qualities they have.

Staff always looked at their visions for this year and their goals are…

Miss Robertson is going to try to eat healthier and improve on her handwriting. 

Ms Carter is going to try and drink more water during the day. 

Miss McPartlin is going to have a new baby. (Due in March next year). She is also going to try to eat healthier and get her steps in. 

And Mr Stokes is going to try and exercise more.

I know, as a class we will help each other to succeed. 


Finally, I do hope you enjoyed your chocolate brownies the learners made on Tuesday and thank you for the comments we received in the diaries.

8A do enjoy their food technology lessons. 

We will keep a log of the recipes and by the end of the school year and put together a 8A recipe book for the learners to take home.


Have a wonderful weekend.


8A team.