1 Jul

Busy week in Willow class

Another fun sunny week in Willow class.

Some of us enjoyed swimming lesson on Monday morning whilst some of us learned about why and how things float, we did an experiment using cubes.

Monday afternoon we finalised our designs for the making our boats ready for making  at sharing our…

1 Jul

Primary Awards/Graduation Year 6

Our Primary Awards and Year 6 Graduation was on Thursday 27th June. 

Thank you to all the parents who attended to celebrate!

Well done to all our award winners & year 6 Graduates!

1 Jul

Our Annual Summer Fair 2024

Thank you to all who came to support our annual Summer Fair!

Despite the rain and having to move everything indoors we all managed to have a lovely day!

And more importantly we raised over £1,700 for our in house charity!





1 Jul

11R Summer 2 Week 4

Last week was another busy week for 11R!

On Monday we had Miss Anderton for maths in the morning, where we started to plan our dream bedrooms, looking at sizes of rooms and how we would begin to cost everything up. In the afternoon we had science, where we continued to look at energy by making…

28 Jun

11G Summer Week 10- busiest week ever!

Phew, what a crazy couple of weeks we’ve had in 11G! Hoping that everyone has a well deserved rest this weekend. You’ll be pleased to hear, these last two weeks of school will be a bit less hectic. 


On Monday morning we were swimming at Hindley as usual. This week was a special themed…

28 Jun

8P Summer 2 Week 4 23-24

This week in 8P we worked on being Sun safe as we had very hot weather, we learnt that sun cream should be applied every 2 hours, wearing a hat helps keep our heads cool & protects our face from the Sun. We brought water bottles in so we could keep on top of our fluids & stay  hydrated due to…

28 Jun

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued to explore Under The Sea topic through Attention Autism, creativity, and the continuous provision. We’ve been counting sandcastles, ice creams and sea creatures and finding out how many left when one is taken away. We’ve been practising our pouring skills…

28 Jun

10A visit Roddlesworth Reservoir and Chippy Lunch

During the week we have studied poems by Rudyard Kipling “The Magical Woodland” and “A Sensory Stroll” to develop our understanding we then took a class visit to Roddlesworth Reservoir. Whilst we walked around the reservoir we discussed the poem and what things we could hear and see. The sounds,…

28 Jun

9P Summer term 28/6/24

9P have enjoyed a busy, and enjoyable week. 

One of our favourite activities during the week was going outside in the sunshine to watch some of our older pupils taking part in a colour run and obstacle course, to raise money for a good cause. 
This was great fun and it was lovely to have such…

28 Jun

Bakers and Builders in Beech

Beech class have had lots of fun learning about more “people who help us”.

Last week we explored ”bakers”. We’ve explored lots of flour, practiced counting “five currant buns”, and made bakers hats! In attention autism, Mrs Barrand also made pancakes and pretend pizzas. 

This week we…

26 Jun

Rosemere Cancer Foundation Colour Dash

10A and 11G took part in a Colour Dash today. We had great fun climbing through foam being sprayed by water pistols and getting covered in lots and lots of coloured paint. We all had a great time whilst we remember that we are raising lots of money for such a good cause ‘Rosemere Cancer…

24 Jun

10A treasure hunt in Whalley

On Thursday 10A took part in a treasure hunt around the beautiful village of Whalley, we had to work as a team to  read and solve clues. We had to listen really well as the clues were really difficult, we had to use our numeracy skills, and our reading skills to decipher the codes to find the next…