The last 2 weeks have been busy for 7P, lots of hard work has been done by the children. 

On Monday, 7P took part in a lovely relaxing yoga class. And luckily no one fell asleep for the lay down part! This made us all feel nice and relaxed, ready to learn. The children all listened really well to any instructions given, and tried really hard to concentrate!

7P have been making sure that the school environment is kept clean and tidy from any rubbish. The children have been out picking up litter, using the litter pickers. We walked around the school grounds to see if any rubbish had made it onto the school grounds. Any rubbish that was seen, was picked up and put into a bin bag, ready for the bin. Keeping our school grounds clean and tidy is a very important job that 7P have taken on, and are doing really well with. 

We have had lots of fun being able to take part in water play in our outdoor area, whilst the weather has been lovely. It helped to cool us down, and was lots of fun. Miss Hendy has changed the sand to new, clean soil in the outdoor area for 7P to access and enjoy. We have been practicing scooping the soil into the pots to make plants. 

7P have done some orienteering, it was quite tricky but the children did excellent in being able to find the animals on all of the signs around school. Once we found them, we ticked them off to move onto the next one. 

Mrs Mahood has been in class and has been doing some lovely work with the children. The children have been practicing their threading and weaving skills to create beautiful, colourful baskets. This took lots of perseverance, but the children did such an amazing job. Miss Goonan then helped to do some really cool, tie dye on some fabric squares, ready for our next project. This was messy and required gloves and an apron to stop our clothes getting all messy. 

P.E has been really fun. There has been lots of climbing, some of the children in 7P managed to get really high. Gaining confidence and independence as the lesson progressed. Some of the different apparatus was a little tricky and required some help, but it was all very fun to do. Whilst some of 7P were in the hall doing P.E, some of us stayed in class doing some fun sensory circuits.