Comic Relief Day 80s theme
Comic Relief 80s theme
Today at Astley Park it was Comic Relief day and we had an 80s theme.
It was great seeing the learners in their own clothes, especially the brightly coloured T-shirts, leg warmers and tutus. The staff also joined in with their dress wear!
The school…

Holi Festival Celebrations in 7P
Holi Celebration in 7P
Friday afternoon at Astley Park was a little bit different.
Instead of the normal Friday afternoon Golden Time, the whole school celebrated the “Holi” festival.
The secondary team started off the celebrations with an amazing dance. After that Mr Welsh…

Sharing Our Learning in 7P
Sharing our learning in 7P
This week we invited parents and carets to share 7Ps learning and to have a look at what we have been getting up to. Thank you to those that were able to come along. We understand that we all lead busy lives.
This week we have been looking at plants…

Careers week in 7P
This week at Astley Park it’s been Careers Week and 7P got involved with this.
The class looked at a PowerPoint about different jobs the learners could do when they get older.
We looked at what chefs do and doctors just naming a few.
You will be interested to know that in 7P we…
NSPCC Day in 7P
Well done 7P. Today we learnt all about the NSPCC in line with NSPCC number day. First we listened to a story all about the NSPCC and then watched a video all about a child that needed extra support and how this charity helps them. We then were very sensible and chatted all about the different…

Safer Internet Day in 7P
Safer Internet Day.
On Tuesday 11th February it was Safer Internet Day and the theme this year is around online threats and is it too good to be true.
We watched a PowerPoint on keeping safe on the internet, especially sharing photos and information on line so this information…

Know yourself, Grow yourself in 7P
Children's Mental Health Week 2025 took place at Astley Park School between the 3rd -9th February 2025. This year, one of the themes is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself and aims to raise awareness and support and empower young people.
The learners watched a couple of PowerPoints to help them to…

Martin Luther King in 7P
On Monday, it was Martin Luther King day and the class watched an PowerPoint how Martin Luther King changed the way people thought about people who weren’t white.
The PowerPoint explained how people that weren’t white were treated, like not being able to sit on the same bus, not being able…

World Religion Week in 7P
World Religion Week.
This week at Astley Park School, it’s been World Religion Week.
7P has looked at Judaism.
The class watched a PowerPoint and learnt about Hanukkah.
We learned a story about an evil king called Antiochus who didn’t like people having different beliefs to…

African Art in 7P
Masks from Africa
On Thursday afternoons, Mrs Anderton will be helping in to 7P to teach My Creativity whilst Miss Robertson has time to plan lots of fun activities for the class.
This term, in My Creativity, the learners are looking at African Art.
Mrs Anderton first put on a…

More Christmas fun in 7P
Another Christmas fun time in 7P
We have had a fabulous last week in 7P with lots of fun, games and being visited by a very very special guest.
Beginning of the week, 7P showed off their sing, dancing and signing skills when they performed their song, “When Santa got stuck up the…

Christmas Fun in 7P
Christmas fun in 7P
This week in 7P we have had lots of Christmas fun.
On Wednesday the panto of “Dick Whittington” came to Astley Park School.
7P was lucky enough to have front row seats. There was lots of “oh no they’ve not”, and “it’s behind you” shouted out. It was an…