This week we have been busy in 8P. 

We have had our very first community visit into town, to get the ingredients for this week’s cooking lesson with Miss Troughton. The children showed us how amazing they can be with crossing the roads and walking sensibly. 8P showed off our school values whilst out on our visit and Mrs Kinley, Ms Goonan and Mrs Pope the staff were incredibly proud!

We have had our first swimming trip of year 8, and it went amazing!! We saw some super swimming and great listening skills during the swimming session and the swimming teachers were very happy with the children. 

We have done some work this week on our iPads, practicing our typing skills and having a look on education city and purple mash. We have used our number skills in a variety of ways, looking at different ways to look for numbers in class and around school. 

8P have been exploring the different witches and wizards themed activities that we have in class. We have done some lovely dressing up, some pin the nose on the witch and some mixing for potions in the tough tray using spiders, eyeballs, flies, mini pumpkins, witches brooms and water. We have some spooky cauldron’s with lots of different things in and some extra special potion bottles. 

We have enjoyed some sensory regulation, all taking part and doing good listening and sitting. 

We are super lucky you have an afternoon with Miss Troughton each week. This week we have been practicing our spreading skills when making our yummy jam sandwiches!