10P had another busy week this week! We started off the week by doing our weekend news where we all wrote some sentences about what we did and then we discussed it as a class and asked our friends questions about what they had done. In the afternoon we had our trip to ASDA, splitting up into two smaller groups and following our shopping list to find everything we need for food tech and breakfast this week.

On Tuesday we had our food tech lesson, where we made some pitta bread pizzas, and everyone got to choose their own toppings!

On Wednesday, we had our special reward day for our Outstanding OFSTED report, and everyone was treated to various inflatables that we all had a go on, and it was lots of fun! We had a party at lunchtime with party food and music and we all had a brilliant time.

On Thursday we continued with our visits to the gym, and everyone is showing some clear progress, even after only a few short weeks. Everyone is doing a brilliant job and putting in loads of effort.

On Friday, we created our gym diaries in the morning where we recorded what we had done in the gym the previous day and said how it made is feel. In the afternoon we had golden time and our celebration assembly, where this week it was Oscar for doing some brilliant maths works with Mrs Cobham.

Mrs Powell, Mrs Price, Mrs Cobham, Miss Carter and Miss Wilkins.