We have had a very busy last two weeks of term in 10P! Here are some of the fantastic things we have been up to:
Autumn 2, Week 7
On Tuesday we went shopping to Home Bargains to buy our Secret Santa presents! We each picked one of our friend’s names out of the hat and had to buy a Christmas present for that person. Our school councillor and deputy councillor put their best singing voices on when they went with the rest of the school council to sing Christmas carols at a nearby nursing home. We also made some yummy smarties cookies in Food Tech.
On Wednesday we watched a fantastic performance of Dick Whittington with all our friends in years 7 to 11 when Initiate Theatre came into school. It was very funny.
On Thursday it was Christmas Jumper Day. After a busy morning swimming at the leisure centre we came back to class and put our tables together so all 10P pupils and staff could sit and enjoy our Christmas roast dinner. It was yummy and so nice to sit together! On Thursday afternoon we welcomed some of our parents into class so we could show them all the amazing things we did on our residential trip to Bendrigg. Then with the help of our parents and staff we made some lovely pine cone decorations to take home for our Christmas trees.
Autumn 2, Week 8
On Monday it was the Secondary Christmas production ‘Astley Park’s Got Talent’. After lots of practise this term we did a wonderful job performing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town in front of all the parents, carers and guests who came to watch. Well done 10P!
On Tuesday we made Christmas cookies in Food Tech! They turned out great and on Wednesday we decorated them ready to take home this week.
On Wednesday it was our school rewards trip and two lucky pupils from each class went to Escape Entertainment in Chorley. They played crazy golf and ten pin bowling and had a yummy lunch there too. In the afternoon we did our class Secret Santa! Everyone was so happy with the wonderful gifts that our friends had picked out for us and we all agreed that it had been a great idea that we would do again!
On Thursday morning a few of us went for a fun swim at the leisure centre and a few of us stayed back in class and did Christmas crafts. When everyone was back we waited patiently for a very special visitor to class - Santa! The man in red brought us all a present to open and it certainly got us in the Christmas spirit. For our special class treat we arranged for a delivery from Critchley’s on Chorley Market. All the pupils and staff had their own portion of fried chicken, chips and gravy (if they wanted it) and it was delicious!
Friday was the last day of term, yay! We’ve had a lovely day filled with Christmas crafts, party games and lots of fun. We are all so excited for Christmas and spending some quality time with our families.
10P staff would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year!