What a super week for 8P this week.
To start the week, we spoke about everybody’s weekend news. Looking at the photos sent in by parents/carers, and discussing what each child had been up to over the weekend, where they went, and who they got to see. Some of us had super busy weekends, and some had very chilled weekends, both sounded great. We then looked through the homework that had been completed and shared what each of the children managed to find.
We have done some work around shapes, looking at how many sides and corners each shape had. Learning the names of shapes that we were unsure of and then cut out some shapes to make a picture.
We looked at odds and evens, and used numicon to help. Before we got started, Mrs Pope showed us a really helpful video from the number blocks, about how odd and even numbers can look. We then did a group activity of looking at all of the different numicon shapes and placed them on whether we thought that they were odd, or even. Everyone tried really hard. The children then went and completed some work sheets as independently as possible.
Mrs Pope read us the story ‘we’re going on a lion hunt’ and we all stood up and joined in with the actions. This was super fun! We then looked at the book ‘that’s not my lion’ to look at the different words to describe the features on a lion. The children were then given a sheet, with a picture of a lion on and was asked to label the body parts together as a group.
We have built some shelters for our toy animals using play doh and then moved on to using Lego, or duplo blocks to build more sturdy shelters. Everyone tried really hard with this too! In P.E this week, we have focused on jumping!