We’ve had a super few weeks in Chestnut class, here is some of the things we’ve been up to;
Our Sensory story has been The Hungry Caterpillar- We learnt all about the tiny little caterpillar who ate too much food and turned into a big caterpillar, our teachers then put us into a cocoon (blanket) and the caterpillar (and our teacher) turned into a butterfly!
Lots of number work counting how many circles on the caterpillars body & paint printing how much of each fruit the caterpillar ate. Miss melling even did some balloon paint printing!
At get busy time we did a lot of communication focused choosing. We’ve had lots of fun activities and toys out which some of us have been able to choose from our pecs book. We’ve also been doing super communicating via communication boards and colourful semantics! We’ve done lots of sharing and taking turns with our new continuous provision toys.
We’ve had Chorley sports come in for bikeability. We’ve loved practicing how to ride a bike, some of us even wore a helmet!
We’ve done lots of sensory activities, including bubbles in relax, play dough gym and some of us have had time on the circuits, sensory room and sensory integration room.
In food tech we’ve continued to make our fruit skewers, we are all becoming more and more independent when making these and are starting to making patterns with our fruit!
This week we’ve said goodbye to Miss Melling, we’ve loved Miss Melling teaching us on Mondays and Tuesdays and had so much fun!
We’re looking forward to welcoming Miss Seddon back on Monday!