Safer Internet Day.
On Tuesday 11th February it was Safer Internet Day and the theme this year is around online threats and is it too good to be true.
We watched a PowerPoint on keeping safe on the internet, especially sharing photos and information on line so this information doesn’t get reshared or used by others.
We also looked at “pop ups” and had to decide if we should tap them?
The PowerPoint explained that if any pop ups appear you should…
Stop what you are doing, Close what you are on, then Tell an adult.
After watching our PowerPoint, the class did some different activities linking to Safer Internet.
We designed and coloured in an online safety poster, filled in a sheet on who were our trusted adults to talk to if we need help and filled in a sheet on keeping us safe when using the internet.
The learners then sorted out what was safe and unsafe when using the internet either on a laptop, iPad or a phone.
The final activity was to design their own iPad and decide what apps the learner would want on it.
It was nice to hear that some of our learners went home and told the people they live with what they had learnt, especially the Stop, Close and Tell.