On Monday we used the morning to have breakfast and talk about what we did over the half term. Then after break we had maths where we recapped months of the year, including how many days are in each month and what order they come in. In the afternoon we all went to ASDA to do some shopping and we had a visit to the cafe.
On Tuesday most of us stayed in class to continue working on our maths, but Sophia headed out to Embellished by Emily (a hair salon) to do some work experience. We travelled on the bus and when we got there Sophia helped out with lots of things; she helped sweep, dust, re-stock shelves and she also helped take foils off of someone’s hair and wash it out.
In the afternoon we went to Chorley Leisure Centre where we started to learn how to play football. This week we focused on how to pass the ball with the side of our foot and how to get it between goal posts.
On Wednesday we did some more maths in the morning, this time looking at adding and subtracting 10 from a number. In the afternoon we did online safety, where we looked at tips for staying safe online and made posters with these tips on.
On Thursday morning we all went swimming, where our learners were very grown up when they had to share the pool with the year 8s. In the afternoon, Sophia went for her second session at the hair salon where, after helping Emily restock some shelves and wash hair, she painted Miss Carters nails for her as this is something Emily also offers.
For those who stayed at school, Mrs Powell started the next ASDAN unit of parenting awareness. We talked about what babies need in order to stay safe and healthy and then we practiced changing some fake nappies, which most of us did NOT like doing.
On Friday morning we made some flyers to be sent home to advertise the plant pots that we will be selling in a few weeks to help raise money for prom. In the afternoon we had a little bit of work to catch up on and then we had golden time where we had a little bit of a nail salon going and we got to choose if we wanted them painted.
A big well done to our star of the week Lola for showing a lot of maturity and respect at the pool this week when sharing with our younger learners!
Mrs Powell, Mrs Price, Mrs Cobham, Miss Carter and Miss Wilkins.