This weeks picture News “Girls can have short hair get over it” 

This week we watched a news video about girls being asked to leave a girls football match because they were accused of being boys because they had short hair. They have started a campaign with the slogan “Girls can have short hair get over it”  We discussed did we  think this was fair and how did we think this made the girls feel, “how would you feel if this happened to you?”

We then had a debate on the question “Is it ok to judge people based on their appearance” We worked on our own to go away and think about this and write our thoughts and ideas. 
There were some very thoughtful responses and some of us found this topic quite difficult but we managed to arrive at some fabulous thoughts.

“No we shouldn’t judge people because it is ok to be different and if everyone was the same the world would be a boring place”

Well done 11A some very thoughtful and brave responses