Sharing our learning in 7P
This week we invited parents and carets to share 7Ps learning and to have a look at what we have been getting up to. Thank you to those that were able to come along. We understand that we all lead busy lives.
This week we have been looking at plants and what plants need to start growing.
We had different activities from planting plants in soil to painting our hands to make wonderful paint gardens.
With the planting, the learners put soil in a plastic wallet, planted seeds and then watered them. As plants need sunlight, we have placed these soil bags on our windows so the learners can see them grow. We will keep you updated with the plants progress.
When the learners did their hand painting, they themselves used a paint brush and painted their own hand in green paint and made a flower stem on paper, then using their fingers made lovely little flowers. Hope you all liked them.
We also did colouring, labelled flowers, watered plants and played snap with different flowers cards.
We did this as part of science week and the pupils are thoroughly ennouinfnthis
Can we take this opportunity in thanking you all in supporting your children and us whilst they have been in 7P! The team are really enjoying seeing them grow and sharing their milestones with you.