Well what a fantastic start to the month in Maple class , we have explored so many different activities this week and had lots of fun .
We started the week exploring our Healthy eating continuous provision, counting meatballs , matching fruits to words and shapes , learning how to squeeze the juice from oranges and lemons and practising our fine motor skills by hammering golf tees into melon .
We enjoyed counting and splatting the oranges in our attention autism, and making orange squash .
later in the week we all enjoyed PE and balance bikes in the hall before celebrating the Holi festival today.
Some children attended the school colour run , and some celebrated in class with food colouring sensory play , hand printing bright colours on shirts , and taking part in our Holi themed attention autism ,spraying colours on our class Holi shirt and watching lots of bright colourful lights .
hope you all have a great weekend
From Maple class.