What a fun filled week we have had in 8A. 

We have taken part in science week and have done some experiments in class. We made a huge mess when making slime…but it was sooo much fun. We made spinning helicopters, built models out of straws and Playdough and did an experiment with milk and food colouring.

We have again been out in the local community visiting the park and McDonald’s for ice cream. We also visited Asda to buy pancakes and various different toppings for a treat. We talked about what was healthy, so we could eat lots of, and what was unhealthy so we could only have a little bit of.

On Friday afternoon we took part in the colour run to celebrate the festival of Holi. Some families and friends came too and we had a wonderful time running, walking and dancing around the track getting covered in paint. Everyone made such a mess,  it we had the best time!!