This week you will see a new face in our pictures as we have a new member of the class team, Miss Knott. Miss Knott has been a great help and we are happy to have her.
This week is Neurodiversity Week in school, we started our Monday Morning off by talking about how our brains are different and how we learn differently and like different things. Miss Bentham gave us a picture of a brain and we could colour it in our favourite or draw pictures or fill it with words of our favourite things.
Our new topic in Maths is statistics. We did some research on WW2 airplanes, how they were made, what they were of and their colours.
On Tuesday morning we looked at some celebrities who have learning difficulties and have successful careers. Then we had maths, we looked at tally charts and made our own, by asking the class questions about their favourite things. In my communication we wrote poems using onomatopoeia about world war 2 and the air raids. In the afternoon we had music, we practiced reading the music and recognising the notes. Then we played the music on garage band or on the instruments.
On Wednesday we went on a career visit to Asda. We got to speak to a few different Asda colleagues that work in different areas of Asda and asked them about their jobs. We found out lots of interesting information. Here’s what the learners thought,
Joseph - “ I enjoyed my toast in the cafe”
Grace - “ We talked to Asda people about their jobs”
Teegan- “ I’d like to work in the bakery because there is food.”
Jake - “ I went to the cafe to eat pizza rolls.”
Daniel - “ I liked the bakery best.”
Aaron- “ I’d like to work on the tills to talk to people.”
Ben - “ I’d like to be the Asda driver, lifting heavy things.”
On Thursday we had great fun team building, leading each other around obstacle courses and giving each other instructions. In the afternoon we looked at the story of the good samaritans and we talked about the acts of kindness he showed the Jewish man. We also talked about acts of kindness we could do for people.
On Friday it was Red Nose Day, we designed our own red noses and they looked great. In the afternoon we made our eggless sponge in food tech, from a World War Two ration recipe. It looked yummy.
This weeks star of the week is Joseph, for being a thoughtful friend and for trying BBQ sauce even though he wasn’t sure he would like it. Well done Joseph.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.