10G took part in lots of activities for Internet safety day. We have been looking at stranger danger and why we use avatars on social media and gaming sites. Students played a game called "Be an Internet Legend" (available on Google) to understand what an avatar is. We watched a cartoon to think about avatars as masks for real people...not everyone is who they say they are!! Some students watched a cartoon about strange danger in the community and then sorted pictures of safe and unsafe adults after looking at photos of safe adults online.  Others looked at different avatar profiles to decide whether the information given was safe or unsafe. We discussed the four top tips:

Never give out information about yourself online.

If you see something that makes you feel worried, go and tell a safe adult.

If someone approaches you both in the community or during an online game, walk away. 

Not everyone online is who they say they are. Know your safe adults. 

Remember - be safe online!!!