So it's the last week of this half term and everyone has managed to do lots of learning from home. It has been a very different half term to any that we have had before, but I am pleased to say we are very proud of how you and your families have worked so hard. The grown ups have embraced their new role as teachers as well  as continuing with their usual day to day jobs and tasks. So a huge thank you from Mrs Clarke, Mrs Down, Mrs Devlin and Miss Zara.

Now lets see what some of you have been up to.

Callum really has been busy as he has been learning to tell the time,working on greater/ less than. Fantastic Callum! He has also bought a new mountain bike and can now ride around corners. We loved this news Callum as we remember you learning to use the bike on our school track in Year 7. He has also been having some sensory sessions with slime baths and crackle baths!! I would have loved to see your face getting messy in the slime bath!

Thomas has been busy making train biscuits with his dad and fairy cakes with mum. I bet they tasted delicious Thomas. He's also been working on learning his 5 times table and doing some work on Purple Mash. He is also rocking a new lockdown hair cut after his mum cut his hair. I think Thomas's mum could go professional after that hair cut so well done Thomas's mum.

Mrs Clarke and Mrs Down  have set up a video call on the 1st June and you should have had your invite so we hope to see you all on Teams Chat then. 

Have a wonderful half term week next week and continue to stay safe.