Over the last few weeks 11R have been learning how to blog using purple mash. We have had some great success and peers have been able to communicate with eachother commenting on photos which have been uploaded. Well done team you are doing fab!
Celebrations of VE day have been a big part of this term. Pupils have completed work developing empathy skills and also showing support and thanks to those remembered in VE day.
We have also been making smoothies this week. We have looked at how to make more healthy choices and researched recipes or made our own and shared these with our peers.
I am really proud of everyone in the class for being amazing throughout this long stretch of uncertainty. I know you may be finding new routines difficult but you are embracing it and getting on with challenges and tasks regardless. Keep up the great work! Remember your strategies we use in class if you do feel anxious. play-doh, walking, running, Lego, talking with family, colouring, sewing... You manage well in school it is no different at home! Take care and keep positive. Be mindful of your mental health and stay aware. You're doing fab!
Stay Safe
Mrs Tolan