Hi everyone,
This week the signs of the day are teaching you all the colours of the rainbow and we would really like your help!
You will see that there is a new YouTube video that has been posted today called the colours of the rainbow song. Mrs Linde's very talented daughter Georgia sang it for us and we would really love it if as many Astley Park pupils/families as possible would join in signing to the song and share your videos with us. You will see me signing next to Georgia on the video to help teach you the signs. I know we have some fantastic signers in school and we would love it if as many of you as possible could take part.
The easiest way of doing this is by playing Georgia's song on a different device in the background whilst your signing is being recorded.
If you don't want to sign but still want to take part, you could maybe dance, sing, play an instrument or share your rainbow artwork with us. Mrs James has also put together a rainbow sensory diet so if you would like a copy of this email me or your class teacher and then send in your photos. We would love to add all these to the video as well!
We are hoping to put all the clips sent in to school together as one video to share with you on Friday, so if you would like to take part please send your videos to me on my email address which is breretonk@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk by 4pm on Thursday.
Shorter clips and images can be emailed, but larger video files may need to be shared via OneDrive if available.
We really hope you can take part and i look forward to seeing your videos and artwork.
Here is the link to the video - colours of the rainbow song with signs
Mrs Brereton, Speech and Language Therapist.