Hello everybody, 

What a wonderful time Oak class have had this week!

This morning 8 children from Oak joined Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks on a video call.

We loved seeing so many familiar and smiling faces!

It has been great to hear such positive comments from your parents about the call and hear that you are all very happy after seeing your friends again.

Miss Cross and Mrs Banks are now planning some new activities (with your help of course), that we can all enjoy together in the next few weeks.


Learning from Home - Week 12: 

  • Ethan has been solving lots of addition and subtraction problems. Ethan has been using bricks to help him solve the problems and then writing his answers all by himself – Great work Ethan! Ethan has been practicing his reading too and is becoming more confident when segmenting and blending his words – Well done Ethan!


  • Isobel has been busy baking this week, using lots of chocolate to make yummy, chocolate crispy cakes! Well done Isobel, we hope you have enjoyed eating them!


  • Mia got four new fish and she enjoys watching them swim around the tank. Mia watches the fish swimming to help calm her engine – Great work Mia!


  • Josh has been in the kitchen again and has made lots of delicious treats, including cookies and a very chocolatey, chocolate cake. Yummy! Good work Josh.


Let’s Share our Feelings – Week 12:

As we said earlier, today was our first-time meeting, as a class, on our video call.

Our focus of today’s activity was feelings.

It has been such a long time since we were last together and we had lots of different emotions and feelings inside our bodies. Some of us were nervous and some of us were very excited. But, once we saw our Oak class familiar faces and said hello, we all felt much better! We had lots of very happy smiling faces.


  • Ellie said she was happy and loved listening to her friends singing.
  • Amelia enjoyed seeing Ethan join the video and liked hearing her friend’s voices.
  • Tig said he thought Ellie was happy to see her friends and loved singing and signing. He said he was excited to see his friends again.
  • Ethan was very excited – he even brought his guinea pig to show Miss Cross, Mrs Banks and Miss Woods. He was excited because he has a new dinosaur with a huge tail!
  • Mia said she was happy, and her mummy said she had been feeling poorly. Mia said she could see Ellie and enjoyed singing and signing with her friends.
  • Oliver said he was happy because he could stay home with mummy!
  • Amir was happy because he had got a new game and it made him feel excited.
  • Oscar loved showing off his singing and signing skills; but he was feeling happy for his lunch! He told Miss Cross he was going to help mummy make it.


Star of the Week - Week 12: 

We would like to give a huge well done to, Josh! We are very proud of you for working hard at home, helping mummy in the garden and being the first to complete Mrs Banks shadow challenge! Great work, what a superstar! Your teachers are very proud! 


I wonder who will be our next Star of the Week?.. 


Remember: Keep working hard and get your mummy’s and daddy’s to keep emailing pictures and videos for us to see! 

(crossr@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk  | woodsl@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk | banksj@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk


Keep smiling & keep safe everyone! 

- Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks