21 Jun

7A - Summer 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3

We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’.…

24 May

7A - Summer 1 - Week 5 & 6

We’ve had another busy couple of weeks in 7A. We have been working on our Aspirational Learning Intentions and our Curriculum Learning Goals. 

In Wizard Workshop, we finished our wands following our initial design plans and using a range of tools and materials.

In PE we have been developing…

9 May

7A - Summer 1 - Week 3 & 4

Over the past two-weeks 7A have continued exploring fantasy texts in our My Communication lessons and have recently read the book ‘Leon and the Place In Between’. The majority of 7A preferred this book to our first book ‘The Tin Forest’ because it was about magic and was more exciting to read.…

26 Apr

7A - Summer 1 - Week 2

7A have been busy working on Aspirational Learning Intentions and Curriculum Learning Goals this week.

We have started reading one of our new texts ‘The Tin Forest’ and have been looking closely at the text, making predictions and thinking about feelings of the characters and reader. 


22 Apr

7A – Summer 1 – Week 1

Welcome back 7A!

Last week 7A jumped back into routine and explored what we are learning about over the summer term. 7A, 8A and 9A are all learning under the theme of ‘Welcome to Hogwarts’ and have been spilt into the Hogwarts houses, earning points for their house (at the end of the term the…

22 Apr

Year 7 – Calvert Rewards – Spring Sharing our Learning

Before half-term, Year 7 who attended the Calvert Trust residential invited families into school for our Calvert Rewards assembly.

A big thank you to all our families who were able to join us for the afternoon of celebration. We had a wonderful turn out and it was lovely for us to share some…

19 Apr

Spring Term - 7A

Wow, Spring Term flew by for 7A!

During the Spring Term, we did lots of fantastic learning - working on our functional life skills, our Aspirational Learning Goals and our Curriculum Learning Goals.

In My Communication based lessons, we learnt about Acrostic Poems in Spring 1 and Postcards…

28 Mar

Year 7 Residential - Calvert Trust 2024

What a wonderful week some of our Year 7 learners had at the Calvert Trust Residential.


Day 1: 

On Monday, we travelled via coach to Calvert Trust and when we arrived, we made ourselves comfortable in our rooms, unpacking our suitcases and having a chill together. 

Later, we split…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 2024

What a wonderful week Astley Park had last week for World Religion Week.  

Each class enjoyed exploring and learning about their allocated religions though a variety of personalised activities including Attention Autism, Crafts, Circle Times, Research and Writing and Cooking. Wow, everyone was…

22 Jan

7A learn about Judaism

Last week was World Religion Week at Astley Park and in 7A we were learning about Judaism. 

7A participated in various activities across the week learning different facts about Judaism. We took part in Circle Times, listened to stories, explored artefacts and cooked Hamantaschen Cookies. 


16 Jan

A Snow Day for 7A

7A were extremely excited this morning about all the snow! Everyone came into school with big smiles and full of energy.

7A decided to use this opportunity to work on some of our safety skills and ALIs; learning about all the dangers and risks of the winter weather and how we can keep ourselves…

12 Jan

World Religion Week 2024

Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).

Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…