Oak Class Try Food Tasting !
Some of Oak Class enjoyed a visit from the community lead from ASDA today.
We enjoyed a fruit tasting session in the hall making fruit kebabs. Then we took some fruit back to class for our friends to explore too.

Oak Celebrate Holi Festival and Comic Relief !
Oak Class have had lots of fun over the last few weeks celebrating the Holi Festival and Comic Relief.
During the festival we engaged in lots of activities with both our teachers, friends, parents and carers. We especially enjoyed the colour run it was such a great event.
We also…

Oak Class are Healthy Hero’s!
Another busy week in Oak Class. We have continued our healthy eating theme throughout the week: listening to the sensory story about Sammy’s Favourite Foods and healthy lunch box activities, trying different new foods. We especially enjoyed the mango, popcorn and yoghurt. We all practiced our…

Oak Class make Pancakes!
This week in Oak class we have been independently decorating pancakes and making our own drinks. In our Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed watching Miss Melling splatting ‘5 current buns’ and showing us how to pour our very own drinks. Then it was our turn to decorate pancakes with fruit and…

Busy first week back in Oak Class!
What a busy week we’ve had this week in Oak class .
This week we have been exploring fruit in our continuous provision using a choice board, cutting and requesting different items, one of our favourites was the spinning toy and making cupcakes out of magic sand.
We have also been very…

Oak Class learn about ‘Emotions’!
It's Children's Mental Health Week this week and Oak class have been taking part by wearing our own clothes or the colour Green on Monday. This year's theme is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'.
We have been exploring lots of exciting activities all week and we especially enjoyed Miss Mellings…
Healthy Heroes in Oak class
We've had a fantastic week exploring lots of different types of fruit in Oak class this week. The children have enjoyed making fruit kebabs and smoothies. We've played fruit matching games and used core boards to request various types of fruit at snack time. Squeezing oranges and drinking the…

The Hungry Caterpillar visits Oak Class!
What a busy active few weeks we’ve had in Oak Class!
We’ve been practicing our hand and foot coordination in P.E through catching, throwing and kicking balls. Also we continue to strengthen our core during our weekly balance bikes sessions too.
Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley…
A Healthy Frosty New Year in Oak!
A busy healthy and frosty start to the term in Oak Class!
We have all settled back into our daily routine well and have enjoyed exploring the snowy frosty environment this week.
At Asda we have bought lots of fruit and vegetables for our friends to enjoy at snack time. This has helped us…
Festive Fun in Oak Class!
A super busy festive few weeks in Oak Class!
Everyone has made good choices whilst out in the community, from walking to Asda, ordering lunch in the cafe, walking to Astley Park walled garden, travelling to swimming and playing at Devonshire park.
‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ is partying in Oak Class!
Wow another very busy, exciting 2 weeks we’ve had in Oak Class! Everyone has worked super hard with their learning, from singing and counting The Very Hungry Caterpillar body parts in maths, solving missing number sequences and matching the caterpillars food items to numbers too.
Oak Class make a busy start to Autumn 2!
Welcome back after our half term break, we worked so hard in Autumn 1 that we all earned a little time off, but now we are back and ready for Autumn 2!
Our main theme ‘This is me’ is continuing right through for this half term and we will build on our independence skills with dressing and…