Hi everyone!

It has been 7A's Bubble A's first two days in school this week with Mrs Fisher, Ms Carter and Mrs Taylor.

We welcomed two new pupils to Astley Park School- Joshua and JJ. They were both nervous and excited to join our school and have settled in really well.

On Monday morning we had some Nurture Time and settled back into being in school, before having morning snack and talking about how we were feeling in Morning Group. After break we had our second class video call together. It was lovely to see Megan, Owen R and Teddy at home on the big screen in class. We talked about our class promises and agreed on what might happen if we don't follow them. We will get the final promises typed up ready for everyone to sign and then we can display them in class.

We are very lucky in 7A this year as all pupils have access to a 1:1 iPad of their own! We looked at our new iPads and everyone chose a new background to personalise their iPad. We also practiced taking a selfie and learnt how to AirDrop the photo to Mrs Fisher's iPad.

In the afternoon it was our turn to have a go on the bikes. Some of us rode the bikes and some of us went on the scooters and rode around the track.

On Tuesday morning it was Nurture Time again to get us ready to do some more activities. We had snack and chatted about our feelings and engines. After break we had a go at some Maths games on Education City on the board. We were very impressed with everyone's number bonds knowledge! 

We used our iPads to try out some assessments on Education City- everyone tried really hard with this and we were impressed with everyone's efforts.

On Tuesday afternoon we decided to do some art work and everyone drew their self-portrait, copying a photograph that they had taken of themselves using their iPad.

We've had lots of time to explore our new classroom and have a play with our new resources. It's always nice to see everyone playing nicely together. We've talked lots about following our class promises and using "kind words" when talking to our friends so will carry on with this next week.

Home learning activities have been sent home yesterday, please let me or Mrs Crouch know if you have any questions or issues.

Enjoy the rest of your week and we will see you again next Monday!

Mrs Fisher, Ms Carter and Mrs Taylor