It's Friday again, and we have had another busy 2 days in our 8R bubble A. We have held a class scavenger hunt and had to find items to fit the description Miss Brophy gave us. We all had to move around the classroom and show the teachers what we had found. We also made word searches for our friends to try and complete. The word searches had words that described ourselves and some of us could work out who had made the word searches. This means we are really getting to know each other again. We also played a game to show how we are all different but still have some things in common. We ended up with a huge spiders web made from wool that connected us together. 

The brand new climbing frame is now available to use and on Friday we were lucky enough to have our turn on it. Even Miss Brophy and Mrs Devlin had a turn, next time it's Miss O'Connell's turn.