What a busy week we have had in Oak Class this week!

  • We have explored different nursery rhymes with sensory props. We all enjoyed the currant bun splat because for our stage four activity we got to decorate our own currant buns.
  • We have read a story and some of the children who have been working hard on their sight reading over lockdown found the correct words.
  • We have been beginning to explore emotions, focusing on happy, sad, silly and angry. We have been looking at pictures of other people and using symbols to say how they feel.
  • We are continuing to get to know all our friend from both bubbles with new games including the water squirter.
  • We are continuing to explore our classroom and play with all the different resources.
  • Some of us have continued with our sensory circuits slots in the hall which helps get our bodies ready to learn.

We are very excited to all be together next week!