Sycamore class have some super stars this week by working hard at home with their home learning packs and completing some amazing work!! We are sooo proud of them all for doing so well.

This is what they have been up to........

Isobel has done some fantastic learning from home completing her spelling sheets with the 'ee' spelling and also learning the 'igh' sound so well done Isobel these can be quite tricky! You also fed the ducks on your daily walk this looked like fun, did you feed them with bread or seeds??. Keep up the good work you are doing so well.

Ollie has also been super busy with his learning from home completing all his worksheets and is ready for more! He has done some super sentence writing and had great fun doing this with his mum so well done. You have also done some reading at home and this is great to see.....Can you tell us what your book was about? Oliie has made some delicious chocolate bread and! these look amazing Ollie I hope you didn't eat them all at once?!

Tig has been busy completing his work on Education City scoring 100% so this is amazing Tig keep up the good work!. He has also been practising very hard with his writing and number work and completed his home learning sheets which is fantastic well done!

BH has been making chocolate brownies which look delicious, he has completed work on Purple Mash and done his learning from home work, doing super sentences about Jack and The Beanstalk as well as counting, reading, colouring by numbers, playing on his scooter with his brother and doing amazing drawings such as Electric Guitars, Bowser, Sea Monsters and Pikachu well done Ben you are fab at drawing keep it up!

Oliver also did some baking this week with his brother and had no help from mum which is amazing well done! I hope they were delicious. He has been enjoying his favourite book the '3 Little Pigs' and doing some role play with his dad and then finding his own materials to build the little pigs house's, tis shows fantastic imagination Oliver. He also went outside when we had our very cold snap of weather and it was very frosty, talking to mum all about Jack Frost and then blowing some beautiful bubbles which actually froze on the grass leaving an amazing sight to see!!

Ethan has done some super home learning completing his worksheets and doing beautiful writing and drawing. He did a lovely picture of a house he called 'Ivy Cottage' with an amazing 'Rainbow roof and window boxes' I really love it so well done! You are working really hard and have also made a giant using your Lego bricks on your carpet and the end result is just fab!. I like how you have re-read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and your mum said you did some good recalling/remembering of the story so that's great to hear. Keep up your good work.

William, Aidan and Sian have also had a super week in class.....we have been dancing to music and working on our co-ordination and key motor skills, we have been colouring rice with paint then making Rangoli pictures with the rice making some beautiful patterns.....well done everyone!


We had our weekly Teams chat yesterday with the theme 'Show and Tell'.....I have to say I was very impressed with everyone's confidence on our chat and how excited you all were to see your friends and to show them your things. Everyone answered questions from their friends using some fantastic language which is always great to hear and see just how well they all interacted with each other

Aidan showed us his rice and answered questions so well done Aidan!

Ben showed us his amazing drawings of Pikachu and are very talented Ben!

Ethan showed is models he made from Lego which looked great...god job!

Ruby did an amazing magic trick which left her friends baffled so well done Ruby it was great fun!

Sian brought her favourite doll pen in to show her friends which they all loved and you did some super talking so well done Sian!

Tig showed us his new video camera he got for Christmas and showed us how he used it.....great job Tig!

William showed his friends his drawing of 'Among Us' which he was very excited about and confidently answered his friends questions so well done William!

We look forward to seeing you all again on Teams on Fri for our 'Thinking Challenge' and just keep up the fantastic home learning that you are all doing, we really love to see what you have been up to.

Stay safe everyone.