26 Mar

Sycamore talk about our families

Today we learnt all about each other’s families and houses that we live in. We took turns to talk about our houses and who lives in them. We all enjoyed learning about each other’s families and answering questions about our families. 
Well done Sycamore! 


12 Mar

Sycamore Class go to the Park

Today sycamore class went on a trip to Astley Park. On the way the children worked very hard practicing their road saftey. Once we arrived at the park the children fed the ducks and had lots of fun playing on the play park. Well done sycamore class.




6 Mar

Sycamore Class visit Astley Park!

As part of our community visits, this week we visited Astley Park. 

We all used our road safety skills to safely cross the road, some of us walked with a friend and some of us walked with an adult. 

When at the park, as you can see, we had lots of fun!

We all loved going on the big slide…

12 Feb

See you next term Sycamore!

We have had such a busy term! 
Sycamore have looked at healthy and unhealthy choices, the hungry caterpillar, AA sessions, lots of Thrive Time and we’ve all done amazing! 
Hopefully our outdoor area should be finished when we come back just in time for warmer weather and lots of outdoor…

5 Feb

Sycamore are Healthy Hero’s

This term in Sycamore, we are learning all about making healthy choices! 
As part of this we have been making fruit skewers! 
We have all worked super hard on being able to cut our fruit independently and place the fruit on the skewer, all while independently following our instructions! 

18 Jan

Some of Sycamore take on Boccia

On Friday some of Sycamore Class went to a Boccia competition at All Seasons Sports Centre in Chorley.

They worked really hard and represented Astley Park so well, we are so proud of them! 

They cheered on all the other schools in the competition and we wracked up loads of points when it…

24 Nov

Autumn 2 so far in Sycamore Class

This half term so far we have enjoyed a range of different activities, these include,  celebrating Halloween and exploring a variety of Halloween themed activities, such as pumpkin picking in our very own pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving and spooky stories with Mrs Mahood. We have also done…

31 Oct

Halloween in sycamore 2024

Learners in Sycamore class had a fantastic surprise when they arrived at school this morning. Overnight, a pumpkin patch had appeared on the grass outside their classroom! Everyone went outside to choose their own pumpkin, which they then brought back into the classroom. The next job was to scoop…

20 Sep

New Beginnings with Sycamore

What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class! 
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…

20 Sep

New Beginnings with Sycamore

What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class! 
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…

4 May

Sycamore Class in the community

We have been on lots of community visits so far this Summer term, our learners have shown us how brilliant they can be whilst out and about! 

- Lovely independent walking

- Amazing road safety skills

- Super independent shopping 

Can’t wait to get out and about more! 

11 Mar


We had a SUPER World Book Day in Sycamore Class.

Sycamore Class were joined by some new friends from The Hive at Buckshaw primary school. 


Our friends joined us for a morning of World Book Day fun, we started off in the hall where we all took part in a Super Hero themed drama…