27 Mar

Sycamores fruit tasting session

Today some of the children from sycamore class went on an adventure to hall for a fruit tasting session with a member of the Asda team. They all got to make their own fruit kebabs and taste lots of different yummy fruits. Oranges and strawberries were definitely the children’s favourite. Well done…

27 Mar

Mother’s Day cards in sycamore class

Today has been a very busy day in sycamore class! The children have worked super hard making their very own Mother’s Day cards. You all did such a good job, they look amazing!



26 Mar

Sycamore talk about our families

Today we learnt all about each other’s families and houses that we live in. We took turns to talk about our houses and who lives in them. We all enjoyed learning about each other’s families and answering questions about our families. 
Well done Sycamore! 


26 Mar

Junk modelling and construction in Sycamore class

This week the children have been exploring the world of junk and the different things that we can create using our imagination. The children have been working very hard to build their own model houses, rockets and robots and whatever other amazing ideas that they could come up with. It has been…

26 Mar

Sycamore class feed the ducks

Today the whole of sycamore class went for a walk in the lovely sun to the Astley Park. On the way we all worked very hard practicing our road safety. Once we got to the park we all got to feed the ducks at the pond then we went and had some fun on the play park. We all had such a great time…

14 Mar

Holi celebrations in sycamore

Today the whole of sycamore class took part in the Holi celebrations. We had so much fun running through the colour blast with our family and friends. We are so proud of all of you for taking part well done Sycamore!


14 Mar

Science week in sycamore

This week has been a super fun week at Astley park. It’s been science week! The children have had lots of fun taking part in different science experiments. Slime making was the class favourite. Well done sycamore class we are all so proud of you all.


6 Mar

Sycamore Class visit Astley Park!

As part of our community visits, this week we visited Astley Park. 

We all used our road safety skills to safely cross the road, some of us walked with a friend and some of us walked with an adult. 

When at the park, as you can see, we had lots of fun!

We all loved going on the big slide…

6 Mar

Pancake Day in Sycamore

As part of our topic Healthy Hero's this term and to celebrate Pancake day, we all made fruit pancakes! 

We all followed our instructions and used our cutting skills that we have practised to carefully cut our fruit. 

We all loved our pancakes. 



3 Mar

Sycamore’s busy first week back!

What a busy first week back we have had! 

  • We have carried on with our phonics and reading and practicing our letters. 
  • As part of healthy hero’s we have made cucumber sandwiches. 
  • We have loved playing in our new outdoor area

12 Feb

See you next term Sycamore!

We have had such a busy term! 
Sycamore have looked at healthy and unhealthy choices, the hungry caterpillar, AA sessions, lots of Thrive Time and we’ve all done amazing! 
Hopefully our outdoor area should be finished when we come back just in time for warmer weather and lots of outdoor…

6 Feb

Sycamore and the very hungry caterpillar

This term, we have been reading the story “ The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. We have made our own caterpillars, butterflies and made some food to feed our caterpillars. We have all been so busy! 
Well done Sycamore for all your hard work!