This week Rowan Class has been working very hard in school and at home! It has been lovely seeing our friends on Teams.


This week Adam has been looking at Money, he has been working on recognising coins and using them to buy the goods of his choice from the class shop. Great Work Adam! 

This week Jakob chose an animal and has started making a habitat for it. Jakob looked at the environment and what colours he needed to use to paint the background of his habitat. Its looking great Jakob! 


Self regulation and fine motor skills has been a topic this week in Rowan class, Grace has been looking at ways to keep her engine just right. Grace chose threading and focussed very well! Super Grace! 


It's been lovely to see how hard Millie has been working at home and how helpful she has been . Millie has done some great colouring on Purple Mash and with her 6 star challenge.  Well done Millie! 


Sean has been working very hard this week on his Money skills, he visited the class shop, chose his items and paid for them. Well done Sean! 


Jaden has been looking at zoo animals, he has been doing some great cutting, sticking and matching activities! Jaden has done some great work on education city and worked hard doing letter sounds with Miss Albrighton. Great work Jaden! 


Josh has been completing the 6 Star challenge, he has been working very hard! Josh has also worked well on Education City. Its been great to see. Well done Josh! 


Amir has been working very hard at home and with Miss Albrighton focussing well on his letters and numbers. It has been great to see Amir working on his 6 star challenge and how helpful he is being too.  Well Done Amir! 


Jake has been working hard on his Education city work. Well done Jake keep up the great work! 


Abdullah focussed very well in play dough gym. Working on his fine motor skills, Abdullah followed instructions well. Well done Abdullah! 


Well done Rowan Class. Keep up the great work!