Rowan Class enjoy a Teddy Bear's Picnic
We have had a lovely day in Rowan Class exploring a Teddy Bear's Picnic theme.
This morning we all took part in a sensory story - Going on a Bear Hunt - we especially enjoyed being chased by the bear!
We decorated and enjoyed eating teddy bear biscuits and we went on our very own bear…

A Lovely Week in Rowan Class
We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class to end the half term.
A love themed attention autism, making cute pancake owls in Food Tech, painting some amazing hearts, and having lots of sensory fun.
We hope you all have a lovely break.
Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

Healthy Heroes in Rowan Class
We have had a lovely few weeks in Rowan Class exploring our Healthy Heroes topic.
We enjoyed reading Handa's Surprise, and especially enjoyed tasting the different fruit from the story.
We have been shopping for fruit at Asda, and used this to make our own fruit salads.
We have all had…

Snowy New Year in Rowan Class
Happy New Year Rowan Class!
It has been lovely being all back together this week, especially as we have had lots of fun in the snow!
We look forward to a brilliant term!
Have a lovely weekend :)
Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team
Breakfast with Santa in Rowan Class, 2024
Rowan Class had a very special visitor yesterday, Santa!
We enjoyed a lovely breakfast of cereal and pancakes in our pyjamas, whilst listening to Christmas music before Santa arrived.
We all received a well deserved gift!
Well done everyone and have a lovely Christmas!
Mrs Down and the…

Autumn in Rowan Class 2024
We have enjoyed a lovely Autumn 1 in Rowan Class.
We have done lots of super work, explored and played, and made some great friendships.
Have a lovely half term break everyone and see you back in Autumn 2.
Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

Swimming with Rowan Class
We had a brilliant time on our first swimming trip this week.
We did some super travel training, walking to the bus and to the pool. Lots of amazing independent dressing and we were all fantastic in the pool.
We cannot wait to go back again next week!
Have a lovely weekend all!

First week in Rowan Class 2024
What a brilliant first week back we've had in Rowan Class!
We have all enjoyed exploring our new classroom and making new friends, we have all settled in very well.
We have been busy on bug and number hunts, playing on the bikes and scooters.
We have even enjoyed a game of Guess Who of…

Rowan Class 2023/24
We have had a n amazing year in Rowan Class. All learners have made great progress and it has been a pleasure to teach them.
We hope you all have a brilliant Summer!
Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team 23/24

Rowan Class go under the sea!
On Wednesday Rowan class went on their end of year trip to the sea life centre. The children travelled on a coach and enjoyed seeing lots of different surroundings along the way . When we arrived the children listened to an information talk all about starfish and the various crabs. The children…

Fun in the Sun - Rowan Class
We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class - enjoying lots of time outside in the nice weather.
For Sports Week we have enjoyed: yoga, ball skills, swimming (including water safety), dancing and a multi skills session.
Some of us had a brilliant trip to the beach, digging in the sand, making…

Rainbow Day 2024 in Rowan Class
We have had a lovely day exploring Rainbow Day in Rowan Class.
We made a rainbow flag, coloured rainbows, went on a colour hunt and enjoyed a lovely story, In Every House on Every Street,
We then joined the whole school parade on the track with our flag!
Have a lovely weekend all.