19 Jul

Rowan Class 2023/24

We have had a n amazing year in Rowan Class. All learners have made great progress and it has been a pleasure to teach them.

We hope you all have a brilliant Summer!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team 23/24

12 Jul

Rowan Class go under the sea!

On Wednesday Rowan class went on their end of year trip to the sea life centre. The children travelled on a coach and enjoyed seeing lots of different surroundings along the way . When we arrived the children listened to an information talk all about starfish and the various crabs. The children…

21 Jun

Fun in the Sun - Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class - enjoying lots of time outside in the nice weather.

For Sports Week we have enjoyed: yoga, ball skills, swimming (including water safety), dancing and a multi skills session.

Some of us had a brilliant trip to the beach, digging in the sand, making…

14 Jun

Rainbow Day 2024 in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely day exploring Rainbow Day in Rowan Class.

We made a rainbow flag, coloured rainbows, went on a colour hunt and enjoyed a lovely story, In Every House on Every Street,

We then joined the whole school parade on the track with our flag!

Have a lovely weekend all.


7 Jun

Rowan class visit the pet shop !

This week Rowan class have been very lucky to visit the pet shop.  Some children travelled via the mini bus and some children used their road safety knowledge and put it to work on the walk there. 
The children enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and talked about the animals different…

26 Apr

Week 2 of Summer 1 in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class.

We have explored the life cycle of plants and made our very own wildflower seed bombs to take home. 

For My Community we have all visited Astley Park, looking for signs of Spring and done some brilliant travel training around school on a…

19 Apr

Summer 1 Week 1 in Rowan Class

What an amazing first week back we have had in Rowan class.Our new topic this half term is Under the Sea and we have done lots of work around this. We have looked at different emotions and made our own feeling octopus. We really enjoyed our sensory story Commotion in the Ocean and looking at all…

28 Mar

Spring in Rowan Class

We have enjoyed a busy last few weeks of the Spring Term.

All learners have worked incredibly hard and continue to make fantastic progress in all areas. We are all so very proud of you.

Have a lovely break and see you soon.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

1 Mar

A busy start to Spring 2 in Rowan Class

Rowan Class have enjoyed a busy start to the new term.

In My Communication we have been enjoying the sensory story Welcome Home Bear and made some brilliant comments about the different parts of the story.

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been learning about measurement, exploring…

9 Feb

Mental Health Week in Rowan Class

This week we have been exploring our feelings for World Mental Health Week 2024.

On Monday we all wore green, and went on a hunt outside and inside looking for different green objects. 

We read the Colour Monster story, and made our own monsters with playdough.

In Food Technology we made…

6 Feb

Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!

Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!

I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!


The wheel has been spun and the…

6 Feb

Rowan Class and the Three Little Pigs

As part of our Homes and Habitats topic this term, we have been exploring the story: The Three Little Pigs.

We have enjoyed participating in the sensory story and helping Mrs Down with the props, signs and familiar phrases. Some of us answered some very tricky questions about the story, and…