Another busy week in Sycamore!

We have been completing our 6 star challenges in class and at home so well done everyone! Sian, William and Aidan did really well doing the ski jump challenge it definitely got our heart rates going!

We had a great teams session on Mon with the children producing some super sentence writing all about our themed story of 'The Zoo Vet' we were very impressed with how hard they tried and the work that they did so a big well done Sycamore keep up your amazing work we are all very proud of you!

On our 2nd teams call we did a game of guess the 'Zoo Animal' looking through binoculars and we had some great guesses from the class who all did really well..........we had a lot of fun!

Our home learners are also producing some great work at home and continuing to amaze us with how good they are at their number writing, pencil control, counting, and sentence writing.......good job everyone!

We also got a bit creative this week making some animal handprints to fit in with our theme, it was very messy but great fun and the end results were lovely once we had drawn the faces on and added any features necessary. Can you tell which animals were made?

Looking forward to our Fri teams call and also Star of the week to see who is our superstar this week!!

Keep it up everyone you are doing Sycamore class proud!

Mrs Carney