It has been yet another week of fun filled learning for the pupils of 11G both at home and in class.
We have done lots of maths this week continuing to explore measuring and weighing by using a variety of tools including a metre rule, weighing scales, string and we also weighed heaviest and lightest by holding items in our hands and testing the weight.
we even measured one of our classmates by getting her to lie down on a sheet of paper while we drew around her body and then measured her using coloured blocks. Great fun.
We have taken part in the six part challenge in class and I do know that some of our pupils also took part in the challenge whilst learning from home.
One of the challenges was to create a bug hotel which fitted in really well with our habitat theme...we used plastic bottles with the ends cut off then filled them with sticks and dead leaves.
We then used string to hang the bug hotels up from a tree right outside our classroom so that we can easily see if any bugs decide to visit the bug hotels for a holiday.
It was really great to see some of you on our video call during the week, the game of bingo that Mrs Matthew put together was great fun and it gave us all a chance to say hello.
It was also really nice to see some of our friends in the online celebration assembly...well done Georgia for getting star of the week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe. Ms Lea.