Oak class have all reunited this week and we’ve had so much fun seeing all of our friends in school again!
Although some of us were a bit nervous to come back into school, we have had such a good time in our new outside area and have been very busy again. We sang Five Little Speckled Frogs and Five Current Buns with Miss Curry and got to splat foam cakes whilst learning about numbers! Toby and Harvey went outside with Miss Armstrong and we got to jump in lots of muddy puddles, it was so fun and SO messy! Miss Woods and Mrs Baxendale came with us into the cage to play on the bikes, we loved riding super fast and learning how to take turns and share.
Well done to Oak Class for making good choices this week and for trying really hard to settle back into class again. Miss Curry, Miss Woods, Miss Armstrong and Mrs Baxendale are really happy to see you again.