Yet another busy but also very enjoyable week for the pupils in 11G. It’s so good that we are finally all back together again working hard and having fun.
To carry on with our ASDAN accreditation we have started to plant seeds and bulbs in our newly cleared out raised beds within the poly tunnel.
It has been great working together as a team and being able to help each other to turn the compost over, plant the bulbs and scatter the seeds and we have to remember to water our plants every couple of days to make sure that they thrive.
Making the most of the dry weather at the moment we also went outside on a mini beast hunt, turning over stones and pieces of tree trunks to discover the habitats of lots of different types of mini beasts. We then recorded our findings on a tally chart.
We found out that most mini beasts prefer to hide away in cool dark places and we were very careful not to disturb them too much as we looked at them.
Back inside we all had a go at making cress potato heads by cutting a potato in half, scooping out the middle with a spoon and then placing a piece of damp cotton wool inside the scooped out potato before scattering cress seeds over the top and drawing a face on the skin of the potato along with googly eyes. This was a really fun activity and we are all looking forward to seeing Mr potato heads grow green cress hair which we can then maybe cut and have on a salad sandwich.
During the week we all had a go at making some lovely Easter cards as part of a school competition run by Chorley Police. All the local schools were invited to take part and the cards will be given out to residents at local care homes.
The final winning school will receive lots of Easter goodies so fingers crossed for us all at Astley Park.
This Easter our usual bingo night will be taking place online and on Wednesday all pupils and staff were asked to wear non uniform in return for donating an Easter egg. There are loads and loads of yummy eggs stashed away ready to be won at the bingo night so be sure to buy your tickets in time.
On Friday we had another non uniform day and this was to raise money towards Red Nose Day otherwise known as comic relief.
The theme was super heroes and it was great to see quite a few super heroes around school as well as lots of pupils in their own clothes.
Celebration assembly also took place as usual on Friday, again this is still online at the moment...congratulations to Lucas for getting star of the week for being a brave superhero having his first lateral flow test.
Hope you are all having a good weekend. Ms Lea. X