10G have been learning all about how to stay safe online and what we can do if we ever have any problems. Our digital leader had a very important meeting with Mrs Tolan all about whisper, what it is, how we use it and why we use it. He then helped to lead a session all about whisper.


We all talked together first about how we can find whisper on the Astley Park School website. Next we had a chat all about what types of things we would use whisper for. We decided that we could use it to type about any worries or problems we are having at school or home. We then practised typing out any problems we might have on whisper and typed the numbers in that we would need to use to press send. Then we pretended to submit our whisper.

If we have any problems that we don’t want to talk to our families or teachers about we know that we can use whisper to write out our problems. Well done 10G. You were very sensible and mature this lesson when talking about very serious things. We are all very proud of you.