8 Jul

9A Summer 2 Week 6 23/24

This week in maths, we continued learning about position and direction. We have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise directions, applying our learning of fractions when talking about quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns, plotting coordinates to draw shapes and translating shapes…

5 Jul

9A Summer 2 Week 5 23/24

This week we started our new maths topic, position and direction. We have been looking at the directions of turns, starting with left and right, moving onto clockwise and anti-clockwise. Some of us have also been looking at the position of coordinates and labelling what they have seen. In English,…

28 Jun

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued to explore Under The Sea topic through Attention Autism, creativity, and the continuous provision. We’ve been counting sandcastles, ice creams and sea creatures and finding out how many left when one is taken away. We’ve been practising our pouring skills…

21 Jun

7A - Summer 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3

We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’.…

17 Jun

8P Rainbow Day

8P celebrated Rainbow Day on Friday by learning about how families around the world are all different. For example, some families have two mums, some families have two dads, some families have a mum and a dad, and some families have two mums and two dads. We also discussed how there are also…

14 Jun

9P Summer 2. Week 2.

What a lovely week it has been for staff and pupils of 9P. 

We have been celebrating our own version of Pride week with lots of discussions around families, awareness, acceptance and equality. We have used power points and colouring sheets to learn more about how we are all different, and how…

14 Jun

11G Summer Week 8

Well what a strange this week has turned out to be! As I’m writing this, we are down to just 4 weeks left in 11G!!!


On Monday morning we were off to swimming at Hindley. We have a new teacher now who is lovely and she put us through our paces to get lots of lengths in. Mrs Fisher and Mr…

14 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 2

Hola! This week in 9A, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Some of us were learning about the multiplication symbol, some of us were learning about sharing and grouping and some of us were even learning about ratio! Great work from everyone. In English, we use our setting…

14 Jun

Rainbow week in 8A

What a busy week it’s been in 8A.

This week it’s been Rainbow week and Neurodiversity week.


At the start of the Rainbow activity day the class target was to say one thing they have learnt about Rainbow day / Pride month after the activity. 


Firstly, 8A watched a video about…

14 Jun

Rainbow Day 2024 in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely day exploring Rainbow Day in Rowan Class.

We made a rainbow flag, coloured rainbows, went on a colour hunt and enjoyed a lovely story, In Every House on Every Street,

We then joined the whole school parade on the track with our flag!

Have a lovely weekend all.


14 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 1 and 2

The last 2 weeks have been very busy in 7P! The children have worked super hard and have also had lots of fun too. 

7P have been working on their independence skills in class and around school, trying their hardest to be as independent as they possibly can. Trying to do things without help…

14 Jun

Rainbow week in Oak

Oak class celebrated rainbow day. We decorated a flag for our rainbow day parade. We coloured in rainbows and did lots of rainbow themed activities!