This week in 7 a all the children have worked really hard . We have seen lots of progression in both English and maths . 
In English the children have watched parts of the film UP ! We used this as a starting point to work on predictions from last week . They was able to create their own sentences using different adjectives to describe what they saw on the film . 
In maths we have started to work on our times tables . The children have really got their teeth into it and all of 7a staff are so proud . 
In art we re created a scene from up , using different materials and practicing fine motor skills the children was able to trace, glue , stick and carefully cut around the lines they had drawn . 
On Thursday the children sang happy birthday to Grace and enjoyed some yummy chocolate cakes brought in from home . 
We have also enjoyed exploring the great outdoors. We have learned the importance of looking after our environment and discussed how littering can affect animals in the environment and why it’s good to recycle. 
On Friday we had a look at our feelings and emotions using the colour wheel to help us re create a picture using shapes and colours that represents ourselves. 

What a wonderful week in 7a !

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe ! 

Mr Massey , Mrs J Smith , Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew