Our Topic this term is My Healthy Lifestyle. We are continuing our cafe but extending the range of foods we offer. We will continue our work in the community by undertaking weekly visits to the library and supermarket. In the supermarket we are increasing our independence skills with individual goals and aims. Some learners are working on finding the correct item on their list once in the correct isle. Other learners are finding the correct isle and then comparing the products we need to make an informed choice.
We made a brilliant start on Thursday and bought the ingredients for our cooking and cafe session. We all found the products on our shopping list and used the self-service tills to pay for our items. Harrison did a super job of pushing the trolley. Nicola learnt how to use the weighing function on the till to buy the bananas. Ben and Jake paid for items using a card and Charlie did a super job at comparing prices of butter. We found that going to the supermarket in a smaller group really helped us to target individual independence skills so each group will go every other week. We also practiced our safety skills and are learning the route with the future aim of developing more independence whilst walking to ASDA.
Another area of focus this half term is safety in the kitchen. We are undertaking cooking sessions in small groups. This weeks focus was using a blender and preparing fruit by washing, peeling and cutting. Rose and Skye did a super job of using a peeler safety to peel the apples and using the bridge cut to safely cut the apples. Francesca, Thomas and Daisy had the job of chopping bananas and strawberries and did a super job too. We looked at how to carry sharp knives and how to safely wash them. We all used the blender safely and Thomas particularly liked the noise it made. We made some very tasty smoothies which the rest of the class enjoyed during Star of the Week assembly.
Our functional maths work is focused around our cooking sessions where we are looking at weight and capacity. We will continue applying the money skills we learnt last half term in our cafe and during our shopping trips.
We are excited to be Sharing our Learning with parents on Friday 13th of May 9:30-11:30 where they will be treated to a session in our class cafe and will find out more achievements that we made during our recent visit to Calvert Trust.
What a fantastic start to a new term.
10R P.E 3/5/22
Brett Greenwood
2 May 2022
Well done 10G. Fab pics
Julia Hitchen
3 May 2022
Great work 10G. It’s great to see you all enjoying your activities. You all shine so brightly x