10A - Spring 2 Week 2 - W/B 03.03.25
It’s Careers week In KS4! The learners have lots to look forward to and lots of different people coming into speak to them about their next steps.
On Monday, a lady from Runshaw College visited our school to provide us with information about the college experience. She spoke in detail…
11A. Chorley in Bloom artwork
Just wanted to share this wonderful project we have been working on.
Chorley in Bloom asked for the pupils to design some artwork to advertise Chorley to the public.
All pupils have spent so much time choosing which buildings they would like to draw and then we took photos, we brought them…

11A visit to St Michael’s high school
As part of our preparation for leaving school and starting college, we were very lucky to be invited to visit St Michael’s high school for the day. We were greeted by Aubrey the head girl and Ewan the head boy who then took us on a tour of their school, they showed us around the classrooms and…

11A visit Lancaster Castle
On Tuesday we were very excited to go on a visit to Lancaster Castle which concludes our learning of the Pendle Witch trials.
We were very lucky to have a guided tour of the castle, this included the men’s prison and the women’s prison. We had a look inside some of the cells and the guide…

The Hungry Caterpillar visits Oak Class!
What a busy active few weeks we’ve had in Oak Class!
We’ve been practicing our hand and foot coordination in P.E through catching, throwing and kicking balls. Also we continue to strengthen our core during our weekly balance bikes sessions too.
Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley…
Our trip to the zoo 2025!!
Three classes from the KS3 phase attended Blackpool zoo today. On the journey to Blackpool, it was very foggy. Once we arrived the fog cleared and the sun began to shine. The weather turned out beautiful and was lovely and warm!
Upon arrival, our dinners were dropped to our lunch area and…

Christmas week in 7A.
That’s it folks, last week of school in 2024 and boy has it been busy!!!
On Monday our learners performed twice in our Astley Park’s got Talent show. Everyone had a great time and we hope you agree that they all did an amazing job!!!! Well done 7A.
On Tuesday we had our community visit to…
Festive Fun in Oak Class!
A super busy festive few weeks in Oak Class!
Everyone has made good choices whilst out in the community, from walking to Asda, ordering lunch in the cafe, walking to Astley Park walled garden, travelling to swimming and playing at Devonshire park.

Year 11 celebrate Christmas with a bang
Well what brilliant Christmas celebrations for year 11, a meal at The Astley pub and party day, great fun had by all!
Thank you from year 11
We have been very fortunate this year to work alongside Parklands High School and Chorley Sports Partnership as part of this relationship we were very grateful to receive a surprise today.
Enclosed inside our Christmas card was a very kind donation of £50 towards our year 11 prom fund!

Year 11 enjoy Christmas lunch and Secret Santa shopping
What a super Christmassy day, we were served our Christmas lunch by Mr Welch and Mrs Ashcroft we enjoyed some Christmas singing and cracker jokes, a traditional Christmas lunch.
After we went to Chorley for our Secret Santa shopping, we all had our secret list of ideas for our friends we had…

11A Carol Concert at The Delta Hotel
Today was an amazing experience, we had been invited along to The Delta Hotel at Broughton to provide a Christmas sing along for the staff Christmas lunch. After lots of rehearsals and practice we were more than ready to give an amazing performance.
We arrived at the hotel and wow we delivered…