Well, it’s been our first week in year 9, and what fun we have all had.

The learners all came back looking refreshed from their six weeks holidays.


First thing we looked class promises and the learners made so fantastic suggestions about what promises we are all going to follow this year. These included following staff instructions, asking for help and being respectful to others, just naming a few. 


On the first day we looked at what things we have to look forward to this half term. 

We have swimming to look forward to, going on class trips, focusing on our own personal skills and things we all want to get better at in school. We will also be doing other trips out. 


We also played quite a-few Kahoot! Quizzes about each learners in 9A. There were some information that we didn’t know about each other which was very interesting.

We will carry on with this quizzes all next week too. 


We also played a game which we had to do good listening. A set of keys were placed under a chair that a learner was sitting on. The learners had to do good listening on which direction another learner was coming from to get the keys. 


On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Mahood came into 9A. After we did a regulation activity we had to design our own monster with some Air Dough. Mrs Mahood only had red, yellow and blue and if the learners wanted a different colour, they mixed them. We had some great characters. We then practiced our drumming skills to a song and took turns in pairs/threes to show what we had learnt. The learners did amazing listening and tried super hard to follow the beat. 


9A also did some team building games. These games helped us continue to respect each other, to show kindness and most of all teamwork. 


Thank you to all 9A in making our first week a success.